Cabinet approves two draft bills on regenerative medicine

The Executive Yuan on Thursday approved the Ministry of Health and Welfare's (MOHW) draft bills for a regenerative medicine act and a regenerative pharmaceuticals act.

The Executive Yuan on Thursday approved the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s (MOHW) draft bills for a regenerative medicine act and a regenerative pharmaceuticals act. These two bills aim to ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of regenerative medicine, and to protect the rights of patients with urgent medical needs to receive timely access to advanced regenerative medical treatment. The bills will now be submitted to the Legislative Yuan for deliberation.

Premier Chen Chien-jen said emerging biomedical technologies are developing rapidly worldwide, and regenerative medicine is an important area of focus internationally. Regenerative medicine is also a key part of the precision health component of Taiwan’s Six Core Strategic Industries. The premier said the proposed bills were formulated by the MOHW to promote Taiwan’s development of regenerative medicine and to accelerate and expand the application of regenerative medicine R&D in clinical medicine. This will strengthen management and integration of regenerative medicine technologies and pharmaceuticals, ensure the safety, quality and efficacy of treatments, and safeguard the rights of patients with urgent medical needs to receive timely access to advanced treatments.

Premier Chen instructed the MOHW to proactively communicate and coordinate with the legislative caucuses of all political parties to ensure swift passage of the bills into law.

Date: 2024-04-25
Source: Department of Information Services, Executive Yuan