Investing, Doing Business and Living in Taiwan

An awesome place to live, invest, and do business, and the best place in the world for expats.

Taiwan is an awesome place to live, invest, and do business. In 2016, Taiwan ranked first - # 1- out of 67 countries as the best place in the world for expats by the lnterNations Expat Insider Survey.

Taiwan has an excellent and affordable healthcare system, and from a purchas­ing-power-parity (PPP) standpoint offers great value to expats who choose to live here. The Taiwanese people are warm and friendly towards foreigners, and the country is one of the safest in the world.

Taiwan also has a vibrant startup community. The 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Index (GEi) ranked Taiwan as the best place in Asia to start a business, 8th out of 130 countries worldwide.

Economic Freedom

The importance of economic freedom cannot be overstated. The 2015 Index of Economic Freedom, jointly published by the Heritage Foundation and the Wall Street Journal, ranked 186 countries based on four factors: the rule of law, size and intrusiveness of govern­ment, regulatory efficiency and openness of markets. Taiwan ranked 5th in Asia, ahead of both Japan and South Korea, and 14th overall. Taiwan's position, as both a base of operations and an important gateway to Asia, is unsurpassed.